School Support

School Leaders and SENCOs, feel free to contact me to arrange a free consultation to discuss how I might be able to support your school to meet the needs of students with Autism related difficulties.

Below are some examples of ways in which I could support your school or nursery:

  • Guidance and advice (including making resources) for a specific student.

  • Guidance on how to set up an inclusive support group to meet the needs of a group of students with similar needs.

  • Training and support to teachers or teaching assistants, including modeling of strategies to staff who support students one-to-one.

  • Direct intervention with students*

  • Support to set up and run a wide range of interventions to benefit students with Autism / Communication needs. E.g: TACPAC, Attention Autism, PECS, Intensive Interaction, Identiplay...

  • I could also be a useful link between home and school to help ensure consistency with resources and strategies.

*Before any direct work with a student takes place, written consent will need to be provided by the parent.