Examples of possible support options:
Advice and information about Autism / getting a diagnosis / making an EHCP application / finding help from other services etc.
Support with the endless form-filling for DLA / EHCP paperwork.
Parent (and sibling) workshops on managing behaviour, setting up routines, supporting speech development, social skills, emotional regulation, sensory difficulties, building sibling relationships.
Creating resources to support communication, independence and routines. This would be individualised, depending on the child's needs, interests and communication stage.
Direct interventions with your child / children to work on difficulties they may have with communication, social skills, adaptability, sensory and emotional regulation, specific behaviour difficulties and safety or danger awareness.
Providing a home-school link (with permission from the school) - this could include sharing consistent practice between parents and school staff, monitoring progress, supporting school staff, supporting parents during EHCP meetings, Annual Reviews or Tribunals.
Which interventions might be used?
I have training and experience in using:
Colourful Semantics
PALM Model
Zones of Regulation
Attention Autism
Intensive Interaction
Musical Interaction
Deep Pressure Massage
Sensory yoga
As well as a range of academic interventions to support Maths and Literacy