
Examples of possible support options:

  • Advice and information about Autism / getting a diagnosis / making an EHCP application / finding help from other services etc.

  • Support with the endless form-filling for DLA / EHCP paperwork.

  • Parent (and sibling) workshops on managing behaviour, setting up routines, supporting speech development, social skills, emotional regulation, sensory difficulties, building sibling relationships.

  • Creating resources to support communication, independence and routines. This would be individualised, depending on the child's needs, interests and communication stage.

  • Direct interventions with your child / children to work on difficulties they may have with communication, social skills, adaptability, sensory and emotional regulation, specific behaviour difficulties and safety or danger awareness.

  • Providing a home-school link (with permission from the school) - this could include sharing consistent practice between parents and school staff, monitoring progress, supporting school staff, supporting parents during EHCP meetings, Annual Reviews or Tribunals.

Which interventions might be used?

I have training and experience in using:



Colourful Semantics


PALM Model

Zones of Regulation

Attention Autism

Intensive Interaction



Musical Interaction

Deep Pressure Massage

Sensory yoga

As well as a range of academic interventions to support Maths and Literacy